Friday, September 27, 2013


I am no blogger aspiring to fame and fortune (I accidentally typed "booger" instead of "blogger" at first...I guess that could have worked...except this is a food blog and now I've ruined your appetite). I just love to share tips and ideas that have helped me. I tend to obsessively research things and if I can save anyone from staying up all night and spending a cumulative 100 hours reading about soymilk or the vitamin K shot or the best cloth diaper insert...I'd like to do that. Because people need sleep.

I feel like I am often asked by my friends for yummy meat-free recipes and I've created this blog so I can just provide them a link, pat their bums, and send them on their respective ways.

Notice I said "meat-free" and "meatless" instead of "vegetarian." Vegetarian seems to have political/religious/whatever else bias attached to it. Like if you say you are a vegetarian, you are assuming an identity of sorts, and then people want to get into it with you, and then there might be anger, tears, scripture verses being thrown around, a huge emotional making up and reinstating of friendship, and ain't nobody got time for that.

But sometimes, you just want variety, or maybe to cut down on your meat consumption, and that's okay. I can promise you that looking at this blog and cooking up some of the recipes won't make you a vegetarian any more than watching Ellen makes you gay. It just means you're eating meatless tonight!

As for me and my house, we're pretty much meatless. I say "pretty much" because it sums up what I'm trying to say without having to get into the whole long story. I'm trying to avoid a kerfuffle of the sort I detailed in paragraph three.

We like to eat Vegan sometimes, too, (uh-oh, I go too far?) and we're even looking into going all the way Vegan/Plant-Based/Whole Foods someday. (I said LOOKING INTO and SOMEDAY, so calm yourself.) Looking into is so not committed. I only mention this at all to tell you that I will post Vegan recipes from time to time, or provide you with some alterations to make a recipe such. Variety is the spice of life, right?

I'll post one recipe a week, and only the good ones. But, as I said before, I'm not a hotshot blogger and I don't even know how to make this thing look cool. This is strictly informational. I don't do pretty. I can, however, link you to some very pretty pictures of food.

'Til we meat again! (See what I did there?...Except it failed...because this blog is a meat-free blog.)


  1. Hey! I'm so excited for this blog! I am not a meatless person, but I think it would be neat and interesting to try some meatless meals that sound good! I enjoy the wit and humor, keep it up!

  2. Sweet! Excited to try some more meatless recipes! I've started doing one or two meatless nights per week and I'd like to bump it up to three or four. Who knows...maybe eventually I will be "pretty much" meatless, too!
